Suuh Quran University is founded on teachings of four Imams of Islam of Ahli-sunnah Wal-Jammah , welknown as Imam Malik, Imam Ahmada bin Hambal, Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Shafie currently offering online visual learning in line with modern technology that has made distance learning much easier , cheaper and affordable. Both teacher and student do not have to meet physically only on graduation or when its needed. As we continue to dive into the future of university student accommodation, less premises able to accommodate more students with online visual distance learning implemented. So at Suuh Quran University that was established in 1945 by the late Sheikh Shuaib in Uganda East Africa at Katumu as an Islamic Institute that graduated almost all scholars of Islam serving Muslim community in Uganda, including most of previous and current leaders of Muslims.
As result of war that ended in 1985, destruction of premises reduced capacity of educational services offered to Primary, Secondary and Quran Memorization using the names of Assiddique Islamic Institute Katuumu in Luwero District , Uganda East Africa.
in order to expand educational services offered , as administration, a new online university has been initiated named Suuh Quran University to restore the glory of this learning center in graduation of Islamic scholars as its foundation and also other experts in different fields of professionalism at affordable prices including free education.
This Online visual distance learning of Suuh Quran University is now initiated and managed by Muslim Supreme Council of South Africa (MUSCOOSA) , an organization initiated in 2014. Suuh Quran University main intention is to improve skills development of Public of South Africa by offering affordable learning services including free education to enable all communities acquire needed skills on the market and increase on Job creation opportunities. Our Online distance learning is facilitated with affiliations with local and international universities. list will be available soon as we conclude the process.